KaDi Black is a current behavior technician working toward her BCBA. She has a Bachelors degree from UVU in Family Science where she focused on early child development. It was always fascinating to her to see how different children developed and always at their own pace. KaDi found her love of behavior analysis while working as an assistant director of a daycare where she loved working with kids in all sorts of situations, most often undiagnosed. KaDi saw a need and wanted to fill it. She recently started her journey but is so excited to get going and making a big difference in the field of autism. KaDi will receive her Masters Degree in ABA from ASU in 2027. She married her high school sweetheart in 2017 and has 2 little boys at home. She is a busy mom, but wouldn’t have it any other way. In her free time, KaDi enjoys singing, watching sit coms, hanging with her extended family and anything crafty she can wrap her mind around. She is so excited to meet you already!
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